Benefits of Robocalls and Text Message Marketing for Political Campaigns During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With campaign events being canceled due to COVID-19, Voters still want to know directly from their candidates how to get involved in the campaigns, and important information about each candidate. The best way for campaigns to reach as many voters as possible in a short amount of time is through robocalls and text message marketing for political campaigns.

Robocalls and text message marketing for political campaigns let voters know how candidates will help them get through the novel coronavirus pandemic.

As our nation navigates a new normal during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, voters need to feel connected with their candidates. Social distancing has meant isolation, and what this means for elections and voting districts across the nation is still uncertain. Voters are facing job losses, possible evictions and have no idea of when or how things will be fixed. They are unable to meet up with the people who help them get through difficult times because businesses have been forced to limit operations or even close their doors. Political campaigns are a source of reliable information and reassurance in light of the pandemic. Though voters are not sure what any of this means for their home and their families, one thing is certain: they need to hear directly from their candidates what the campaign is going to do for them.

The benefits of robocalls and text message marketing for political campaigns extend far beyond being an efficient get-out-the-vote tool. Robocalls and text message marketing benefits political campaigns and voters because they let voters hear directly from the candidates about what they can do for them during this challenging time. Voters need to know what their candidates are going to do to help them put the pieces back together and get through this COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Robocalls and text message marketing let political campaigns connect directly with voters sitting at home during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Benefits of robocalls for political campaigns

Robocalls deliver the message straight from the source. Political messages get misconstrued in the media and with the rise in “fake news” proliferation, voters need help determining fact from fiction. Robocalls let voters hear directly from the candidates themselves. Robocalls are a direct line to voters and allow campaigns to deliver content that hasn’t been distorted by the media.

Robocalls remind voters when and how to act. Life is busy. Keeping up with the daily demands of modernity is difficult enough without having to remember when to file absentee ballots or even register to vote. Robocalls remind voters about upcoming campaign rally events and to go vote on election day. Robocalls let voters know about important deadlines, like voter registration.

Robocalls are a way to connect during a disconnected time. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has resulted in nationwide lockdowns and quarantines. Governors have issued stay-at-home advisories to constituents. Businesses have shut their doors and flipped the CLOSED signs. Our traditional daily ways of connecting with our loved ones in person have been indefinitely cut off. Social distancing has meant isolation for many. Robocalls let voters feel connected in an increasingly disconnected world. Candidates can deliver a message of encouragement from their own mouths during a time when voters need it most.

Robocalls let voters build know, like, and trust with candidates. You are familiar with the research: people want to do business with people they know, like and trust. The same holds true for political campaigns. Robocalls allow voters to know where their candidates stand on the issues that matter most to them. Candidates become relatable in voice messages because their hopes, market concerns and campaign successes can be heard by their voters. Constituents vote for candidates they trust and relate to and robocalls let candidates build trust and relatability. Strangers don’t win votes; robocalls build connections and win elections.

Robocalls are conducive to social distancing. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has required us to avoid public places as much as possible. Where people once connected in person around water coolers they are now forced to keep in touch via laptops and smartphones. Political campaigns have been subject to the same restrictions, forcing candidates to cancel rallies and functions. Robocalls are a way for candidates to stay connected with their voters, who are sitting at home.

Benefits of text message marketing for political campaigns

Text message campaigning in political campaigns is not new. Candidates have long been aware of the benefits of text message marketing for political campaigns. Unlike phone calls from unknown numbers, text messages have a better connotation. We are more likely to feel comfortable with receiving a text message because we associate them with people we like. Now more than ever, staying connected with voters is important as our nation faces the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. Voters are forced to stay at home and their usual political conversations around the water cooler at work have been indefinitely halted. Text message marketing helps campaigns stay relevant when rallies and in-person campaign events aren’t possible. Text message marketing is what your campaign needs for a win this election day. Here are the top reasons why:

Text message marketing is ideal for messages best seen and not heard. Let’s face it: voters forget to go vote. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. Like robocalls, text message marketing sends a timely reminder to voters on election day. A friendly reminder to voters is what many constituents need so their civic duty doesn’t slip through the cracks. Candidates can send other important deadline reminders, for example, content regarding absentee voting or early voting. Voters can copy and paste deadline information directly from a text message into their calendar.

Text message marketing delivers readable, reliable content to voters. Let voters know where to find their precinct polling place, why it is important to register to vote in the first place and other information pertinent to the campaign and the political process. Information directly from the campaign that hasn’t been altered by the media lets voters feel confident about their voting decisions.

Text message marketing lets candidates send important campaign announcements to voters. On election day, let voters in on the excitement by delivering updates about precinct vote counts and the small victories leading up to candidate wins. When the candidate makes changes to the campaign team or selects a running mate, keep voters in-the-know by sending a text message. Text message marketing lets the voter feel directly connected with the candidate.

Text message marketing helps voters share important content with their friends and family. Well-crafted content gets shares and text messages with pertinent campaign content can be shared by voters with their family and friends. People discuss politics with those closest to them. Give them something to talk about by sending well-crafted text message marketing content.

Text messages are accessible when answering a voice message isn’t possible. Social distancing has forced voters to stay home. Phone calls and ZOOM conferences have replaced the usual coffeeshop conversations and conference room meetings. Text message marketing allows voters to access important campaign information when answering the phone or listening to a robocall isn’t feasible.

Robocalls and text message marketing benefit political campaigns during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic by letting candidates inform voters about changes to their campaigns in real-time. Voters don’t always know where to turn for reliable information and are skeptical of what they hear in the media. Getting information directly from campaigns is what it will take to build voter confidence as the nation seeks a new normal in the face of challenging times.

Both robocalls and text message marketing benefit political campaigns by:

  • Letting voters know about event cancellations because of the pandemic
  • Boost voter morale by delivering campaign platform content
  • Get volunteers to sign up to help the campaign and fight for the cause
  • Let voters know how they can support the campaign while social distancing
  • Help voters feel less isolated by directly connecting them with the candidate

Robocalls and text message marketing are a cost-effective way for candidates to connect with voters who are sitting at home during the pandemic. Candidates who take advantage of robocalls and text message marketing can still get positive results for their campaign despite canceled rallies and campaign events.

Don’t let the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic stop your candidate from winning on election day. Stay connected with voters through robocalls and text message marketing.

Get started today and enjoy the benefits of robocalls and text message marketing for political campaigns.